Blockchain programmer – what is his job

Blockchain programmer – what is his job

Blockchain developer (engineer) is an IT specialist engaged in blockchain development. This term refers to a consistent chain of blocks that contains information and is built according to certain rules. This chain cannot be unnoticeably changed or partially deleted.

The concept of blockchain was first used in the Bitcoin system. Therefore, it is often associated with cryptocurrency transactions. However, the technology is also used in other areas:

  • banking;
  • medical;
  • insurance;
  • transportation;
  • energy and others.

That is, where it is necessary to ensure high security of data storage and reliability.

Depending on their responsibilities and tasks, IT specialists working in the blockchain industry come in two types:

Basic programmers. They are responsible for the architectural component. That is, they create the consensus algorithm, the network and monitor it, making sure it is secure.

Software developers. They develop a decentralized application, using the work of programmers of the previous specialization.
So, what a blockchain developer does:

Is responsible for the software lifecycle;
Creates the architectural component and smart algorithms;
Optimizes protocols and performs other activities aimed at creating and controlling the chain of blocks of stored information.

IT specialists in this field must understand data structures and algorithms as well as cryptography and digital networks. Often they have to work with a specific type of blockchain, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.